Emilia Broel-Plater was born on 13 November 1806 in Vilnius (Lithuania). She was a Polish-Lithuanian revolutionary and noblewoman. Emilia Plater fought in the November Uprising and she is considered a national hero in several countries namely, Poland, Lithuania, and Belarus. In 1829 she traveled throughout the historical Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, she returned home due to the death of her mother. In 1830, the November Insurrection or ‘Uprising’ started. The Polish rebels unsuccessfully tried to overthrow the Russian rule in Ukraine, in parts of Lithuania, in the Congress Kingdom of Poland, in Belarus, and in the Polish provinces of western Russia. Emilia Plater created one of the first partisan Lithuanian units, composed of 280 infantry, several peasants, and 60 cavalry. She became seriously ill and died on December 23, 1831.

Author: NARA (Lithuania)
Topic: Emilia Plater
Duration: 00:24:31

Topic: Emilia Plater
Duration: 00:30:43