Grażyna Bacewicz

Grażyna Bacewicz
Grażyna Bacewicz (1909-1969) was a polish composer and violinist. After learning musical rudiments from his father, she graduated in violin and composition in 1932 at the Warsaw Conservatory. After gaining an international music education outside Polandm she held the position of violinist with Polish Radio for two years. During World War II she temporarily settled with her family in Lublin following the destruction of Warsaw. After the war, she was a lecturer at the Łódź State Conservatory of Music being able to devote herself mainly to composition from 1954.

Author: KEW – Poland
Topic: Grażyna Bacewicz
Duration: 00:22:25

Author: NARA – Lithuania
Topic: Grażyna Bacewicz
Duration: 00:20:25